First International Society for Investigative Journalism, established in 1994 from UK. Affiliated with International Federation of Journalists, HQ's in Australia.

Archive for the ‘God’ Category

See the mirror if you are living in USA.

America’s New Satanic Foundation.

A Radio Transcript from USA.

The New World Order is coming

Are you ready?

Stand by for insights so startling

you will never look at the news the same way again.



This is David Bay, Director of Old Paths Ministries.

And this is the Cutting Edge, a radio program dedicated to warning and informing God’s people. This program is committed to the study and exposition of the inerrant, inspired and authoritative Word of God. The views expressed belong to us, and are not necessarily shared by this station.

We are committed to the study and exposition of the inerrant, inspired and authoritative Word of God.

Our society is deteriorating, and Bible-believing Christians are ill-prepared to face that deterioration. This radio program is dedicated to preparing God’s people to meet the challenges of the Day, and to encourage obedience to the Word of God in being separated from worldliness and false doctrine.

The moral bankruptcy of our society is well-documented.

Few people understand why we have become morally bankrupt. However, when we look at society through the eyes of God, through the Bible, we can easily see why we are facing the unprecedented troubles today. This study of America through the eyes of God is what we will always do try to here; stay with us for some eye-opening truths.

Now consider the following news briefs:

America is suffering unprecedented murder and bloodshed.

“Item: Homicide rate among young American men is world’s highest .” Providence Journal.

“Item: Julia Parker, from East New York City, was brazenly and publicly shot to death while she was sitting on a car with a group of friends. A gunman strode up, put a gun to the back of her head and opened fire”.

That’s the code of East New York”, said a detective, “you talk to the cops and you’re a rat.” Police believe Julia was killed because she was seen talking to police about the murder of her friend and thought she was cooperating.” New York Daily News.Item: Abortion is now the most common surgical procedure in America…for every 1,000 live births, there are 353 abortions.” Point of View Radio Talk Show .America is experiencing highest ever rates of Drug Abuse And Addiction.

“Item: The scope of this epidemic is enormous. Every bill in circulation bears microscopic traces of cocaine. That amounts to 12 billion bills worth $230 billion. Why is this happening? Because these bills have, at one time or another, been used in the street purchase of cocaine. US NEWS AND WORLD REPORT.

America is abusing children in an unprecedented manner.

“Item: Reported cases are now over 2 million, resulting in an estimated 5,000 deaths. Child abuse, which has increased over 700% since 1972, is now the fifth most common cause of death for children.”

America’s teens are now committing suicide at a rate triple that of 30 years ago.

Pornography has now degenerated into the pit of Hell, with all imaginable sexual perversions now being readily available in Adult Bookstores and in Mass Media.

In Washington State, a Euthanasia bill was almost passed to allow medically-assisted suicides. Additionally, the current best-selling book on the New York Times best-seller Non-fiction list is a book on how to commit suicide.

Americans clearly have devalued human life, to the point where the killing of the physically or mentally handicapped, the elderly, or sick, is no longer unthinkable and is being accepted by many in our society.


These horrors are occurring daily, as we are only too aware. What is happening to our society, that would cause such unbelievable problems? Is there one root cause, or are there many un-related causes? There is one root cause. Consider this: When America was founded in 1776-89, our Forefathers created the Government according to Christian principles. This is not to say that our major political leaders were born-again Christians. What we are saying is that Puritan Christianity was so prevalent among the American population that it influenced all of society, and that political leaders held its views, even though they were not personally saved. Also, many of the leaders immediately below the top echelon were born-again believers.

The net result was that our major fundamental documents which created our system of Government contained Christian precepts from beginning to end. Our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, and our Bill of Rights were all products of Christian doctrine. Most people do not realize that the Constitutional Congress created a 5-man committee to write the Declaration of Independence. One of these men was a fundamentalist preacher of great standing in the Colonies. His active presence on the committee ensured that the dominant Christian viewpoint was amply expressed.

The American Government was created with a Christian foundation, resulting in a series of Governments who, in varying degrees, reflected Christian concerns, compassions, and direction. The American people born in succeeding generations also have been influenced in their attitudes and actions by this Christian foundation.

However, since the mid-1960’s, this Christian foundation has been rejected and a Satanic-Values foundation has been laid. Since attitudes and actions of both Governments and its people flow from their foundational base, we should expect that American society would immediately undergo a dramatic transformation from a Christian to a Satanic orientation. If this theory is correct, we should see evidences throughout society of individuals and the Government acting in accordance with Satanic values. What are the predominate Satanic values? The Satanic Bible lists them:


Personal selfishness, i.e., greed and pride.

Physical lust.




The elevation of these Satanic values to the level of encouraging its members to deliberately indulge in them has produced tremendous societal effects:

Strong desire for power over others

Strong desire for accumulation of wealth and material possessions

Strong sexual desires, to be satisfied

Life becomes cheapened, losing its God-given sanctity.

Obsession with violence and murder.

Lack of compassion or empathy for those individuals who are handicapped or who are ill. Obsession with death. Death symbols begin to appear in society, and followers begin to fix their minds on death. Remember, hard-core Satanism demands human sacrifice, the younger the better. If our theory is correct, we should be able to see our society killing these innocents. In fact, since Satanists view the sacrifice of humans as the highest sacrifice, and the younger the better, we should see our society killing many babies at the youngest age possible? Do we see this occurring in American society? Of course!! We are killing over 1,500,000 babies yearly, most of them in such a way that physically tears them apart in the womb.

And, President Clinton has just vetoed a bill that would prohibit the killing of babies that are full term, killing them in such a way as to remove their brains! Truly, Satan is alive and well in the United States today, and truly, we have changed over to a national Satanic Foundation.But, there are more evidences that America has replaced its formerly Christian Values Foundation with a Satanic Values Foundation! Satanists hate any one who is imperfect in any way, like the elderly. If our theory is correct, we should see evidences of the killing of this group in America today.

We certainly do see news about the killing of the Elderly, called Euthanasia. Dr. Jack Kevorkian is leading the charge in this matter, trying to force America to change its beliefs to support “assisted suicide”. Right now, Dr. Kevorkian is pushing for personal physician assisted suicide, but once that is accomplished, the next step will be for the state to step in to provide the doctors that will “assist” the “suicide”. This exact sequence occurred in Germany in the 1920’s-1930’s, in such a way as to enable that dedicated Satanist, Adolf Hitler, to move National Germany to the point where they would accept, and assist in, the murder of 6 million Jews and 12 million others. We will cover this subject in greater detail in later programs, as we will also discuss the proven plan by which the attitudes of people can be changed over a period of time, in such a way that the change is absolutely invisible! The title of this process is the Six-Step Attitudinal Change Plan. It is being carried out daily in America, impacting you and your families, without your being aware that you are being manipulated! But, more about that later.

Do we see all these types of attitudes and actions in our society? YES!! If fact, these are precisely the kinds of crimes that are filling our daily newspapers and TV programs, that are devastating our country! Consider some more of our problems in light our change to a national Satanic foundation.

Divorce has doubled since 1965. Satanists have always hated the God-ordained family.

Alcoholism is one of Satan’s best tools to destroy both individuals and the traditional Family.

Drug Addiction can be understood if we understand that Satanists and occultists always depended upon drugs to expand their consciousness. Drugs are critical to the practice of Satanism and the New Age. (Alice Bailey, The Light Of The Soul, p. 377)

Suicide has always been associated with Satanism, as adherents feel spiritually drawn toward Lord Satan. (Satanic Bible, p. 144)

The Satanic Bible boldly states, on page 67, “Satanism condones any type of sexual activity which properly satisfies your individual desires –be it heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or even asexual… Satanism also sanction any fetish or deviation which will enhance your sex-life…Transwestism, sadism, masochism, exhibitionism, to name only a few…”

Satanism has always demanded human sacrifice, the younger the better. In October, 1985, the TV Program, 20/20 reported the phenomenon of Satanism in America today. Their last segment showed several women who were giving birth for the express purpose of sacrificing the babies soon after birth. Since Satan highly values young, innocent baby sacrifice, think how very pleased he must be in the sacrificial slaughter of millions of unborn babies yearly in this country.

You can thus see how this perception that America has replaced its national Christian foundation with a Satanic one, truly answers the question of “why” we are experiencing these many serious problems in an unprecedented manner. Keep this principle in mind, for it will further enlighten you as you proceed throughout our seminar material.


All societies are founded on principles or rules called mores or norms. Certain activities considered to be outside the boundaries of acceptable behavior are called taboos. Mores and taboos are shaped by institutions. The major institutions in our culture are Government, Schools, Mass Media, and the Church. Satanism has definitely impacted each of these institutions. Consider the following examples:

* Government

a. The civil rights movement that permits and redefines sexual perversion as legitimate activity.

b. Governmental support of so-called art which glamorizes and legitimizes homosexual lust, denigrates Christianity and seeks to alter many traditionally-held values in our society. This support comes from the National Endowment For The Arts.

* Churches

a. Many liberal churches have adopted some of the values of Satanism. Teachings that homosexuality is a valid lifestyle is one example. Observe also the greed and personal pride involved in the lawsuit just concluded in which two TV-Evangelists sued one another over lost income.

b. Many churches have adopted the un-Biblical concept that we must become like the world to reach the world. Thus, we compromise and begin to condone so-called Christian Rock.

Listen to the Satanic Bible again, “Look how liberal the churches have become…They are practicing all the things [Satanists] preach…If many religions are denying their own Scriptures because they are ‘out-of-date’, and are preaching the philosophies of Satanism, why not call it by its rightful name — Satanism. Certainly, it would be far less critical.” Finally, someone has had the courage to call a Spade a Spade!!

* Schools

a. Public school systems place un-Christian emphasis on Values Clarification, which moves children away from Biblical teaching, emphasizing “personal choice” based only on human reasoning rather than on the objective standard of the Bible.

b. Our courts have re-interpreted law and our Constitution so that it is now unlawful to utter God’s name in our public school system, unless it is to curse Him. Further, schools are required to teach the Humanistic theory of Evolution rather than the true Creation story revealed in the book of Genesis.

* Media

a. Mass media constantly distorts news coverage so that legitimate Christian positions on all topics is presented as idiotic and even possibly criminal.

b. Situation comedies seek, through the medium of laughter, to change the way in which people think about the values of life. Example: Saturday Night Live uses abominable sketches like their “Church Lady” to poke fun of Christian-ity portraying Satan as an innocent, harmless, fun-loving guy.


Remember, we are not saying that most Americans are practicing Satanists. What we are saying is that most Americans subscribe to some of the values of Satanism in their personal lives. To drive this point home, perhaps it would be helpful to review the 5 types of people in society.

1. One who is on-fire for his religion, attempting to convince others to join him in his persuasion.

2. One who is serious about observing his religious practices and who teaches his children it precepts

3. One who is mildly serious about his religion, but who solidly believe in that religions moral precepts.

4. One who isn’t serious at all about religion but who feels constrained to live according to its general precepts in his public life.

5. One who is an outlaw, caring nothing about the religion of his culture and about living according to its precepts, even in his outward life. This type person generally is put into jail to remove his influence from society.

TRANSITION: Individuals whose attitudes are less than on fire but not completely cold about Christianity are now sub-scribing to some Satanic values in the conduct of their personal lives. For some, it may be sex, for another it may be desire for money or possessions, etc., but most Americans today and most American entertainment media have bought into some of the Satanic values. This is God’s perspective.


When you look at American society today from this perspective, you can clearly see why we are suffering from the crimes, perversions, and tragedies which are afflicting us. This situation is now so serious that America is now capable of leading the world into the Satanic New World Order. Most of you have heard this term many times since the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait last year. Presidents Bush and Gorbachev have repeatedly been proclaiming it since then.

What does this term mean? The New World Order is a spiritually occultist term which describes a new reorganization of the nations of the world into a One-World Government, Economy, and Religion. The Economy would be a Global, cashless economy. The Religion of the world would be renamed the New World Religion and would be a synthesis of all major world religions. The Government would have the United Nations at the top, but would be organized into 10 Supra-Nations, which have already been created on paper. Once these 10 Super-Nations have been established, the Plan for the New World Order envisions a Super-Man to arise, showing great signs and wonders to convince the peoples of the world that he is who he says he is, namely, that he is the Messiah for whom all the world’s major religions are now awaiting. He is the Jewish Messiah, Jesus Christ returned, Mohammed returned, and Buddha returned. In a later program, we will show how he intends to accomplish this feat.

But, since the world is at this point in history, we are at the beginning point of the events in Revelation. And America is leading the charge.


“If you are living a life which is not in obedience to Biblical commandments, come out from that lifestyle.”

“If you are a member of a church which is reversing long-held Biblical views, come out from that church. “

You have been listening to the Cutting Edge, a radio program of Old Paths Ministries.

 Press Release of the Website.

Palestinian nation are the final winner.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here that the oppressed nations such as the Palestinian nation are the final winner in the fight against global arrogance. President made the remark in a meeting with Secretary General of Islamic Jihad of Palestine Ramadhan Abdullah on Sunday night.

“Resistance is the only way to defeat the Zionists and their masters,” said President Ahmadinejad.

The president said given that the collapse of the fabricated Zionist regime has begun, the massacre of Palestinian women and children in Gaza Strip stem from its inability to deal with the Palestinian resistance. It is incumbent upon all Islamic countries to support the Palestinian nation, he said, adding that the Iranian nation and its government always support the oppressed Palestinian people.

The Palestinian envoy, for his part, lauded the invaluable support of the Islamic Republic of Iran and said the Palestinians believe that resistance against the Zionists is the one way to overcome them. During the meeting, the two sides reviewed latest developments in Palestine.

Website Administrator.

What the Bible Code disclosed a Holocaust against Israel?

USSR wrote:

My lovely Jews! Tell Me?

The Armageddon will come soon?

Will people who supporting Israel, Fly to the Sky?

“There will be another Holocaust before Armageddon. The land of Israel will be the ground of War very soon. Even disclosed to them by their Bible code, which is sealed after that….”
God Bless you. Shalom.


[QUOTE who=”USSR”]<quoted text>

What are you talking about? Are you sure? If so, it’s very scary ![/QUOTE]

Yes brother.

That’s very true, it is disclosed to them that it will be from Iran. That’s why they are much worried about Iran. But they don’t know that the said discovery is not related to the Iran they are in their mind. It is a planet for from the Heavens. On it one side in the heaven written in miles and miles beautifully the Word ” Kaukab” means “Planet” in Arabic and Hebrew and Syriac Peshitta languages. And on the other side another beautiful display in the same writing “Khush Amdeid” means “Welcome” word in Persian language.

The Lord is mustering his army on this planet Green in Uniform. Best in emunation. Most modern technology holders. Very fast and highly protected flying squad, most modern and highly experienced forces with fully equipped of very modern guns ( Chemical spraying ones ) Light as like as Paper Guns. Aero-planes with round windows most modern again capacity to land on earth and on water equally as well as to dive in the deep, deep waters in a seconds power to destroy each and every thing.

The welcome on this planet is only for Lord’s own faithful ones, no one else is allowed to enter on it. All are there in groups and groups. Male and female, all of Irani dress. Well secured, if any one of Sheytan’s seed try to enter here or to Listen what is going on this planet a burning flame “Shahab-e-Saqib” follows him and burn him at once. Every one of them is mighty warrior…….and a lots of other discoveries, no need to disclose. The welcome slogan of this planet is;

” EL Haque, EL Haque, EL Haque”

Which means “Truthful, Truthful, Truthful.

The said Holocaust is from that land, the holy Planet.

“Beyond the thoughts of mankind….”

Not a single scholar of Islam, Judaism, or Christianity of the time have any information about this planet. Even not known to a single Irani Muslim Scholar like Great Ayatullah Khamenai, Pope Benedicts or any Chief Rabbi at all.

Dr. (Rev) Syed Akbar Abbas.

Iran’s another achievement against West and USA.

(INUJ Iran News). El Baradei on Friday submitted an 11-page report to the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) 35-nation Board of Governors on Iran’s cooperation with the Agency in connection with its peaceful nuclear program. El Baradei on Friday announced settlement of issues — contamination origin at a technical university of Tehran, polonium 210 and Gachin mine. On November 15, the agency had declared that there had been no diversion in plutonium tests, the P1 and P2 centrifuges and document on metallic uranium closing the files about them.

Settlement of the six outstanding issues in the context of the action plan means the subjects claimed by the west against Iran, including concealment, are baseless. Based on El Baradei’s report all issues and ambiguities relating to the past activities are verified and ambiguities have been removed.

This indicates there has been no concealment or diversion in past activities of Iran. El Baradei’s report is a verification that Iran has been right over its nuclear activities. The national nuclear program accounts for achievements gained thanks to the nation’s perseverance said by President of Iran yesterday.

Hot News of Israel a Levite Women killed by “Gang rape”

(INUJ report Israel). On Saturday the 23rd of February. Petrisha Levi, 19 years of age kidnapped by some Israeli young men, they took her in near house raped and abused her throughout the night, and at dawn they let her go to home. His father killed her and chopped her into 12 pieces. Limb by Limb and sent it into the house of the Area Police chief. He is arrested for killing her daughter.


He stated that it has their past practice and I have not done any thing wrong. He is referring Bible reference Judges 19: 25-29. She was an Israeli from the clan of Levite, and it was a barbaric act of Israeli youngsters. The percent of gang rape is increased in Israel more than past, like other Western countries. In this month it was a 27th reported gang rape in Israel. The government is now going to take some serious action against these kinds of in human and immoral crimes. They said it is a result of free gang sex available on net and increased drug drinking.

The New flag for Iraq is raised today.

Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki presided over the New flag.

ISIJ BAGHDAD 5th Feb 2008 – The new flag, which has been approved for a year after which a permanent replacement will be chosen, looks much like the old one, first flown after the coup by Saddam’s Baath party in 1963. It is still red, white and black, but three green stars in the centre representing unity, freedom and socialism, the motto of Saddam’s now outlawed Baath party, have been removed. The phrase Allahu Akbar (God is Great), added in green Arabic script on Saddam’s orders during the 1991 Gulf War, remains, but since his downfall it has no longer been in his handwriting. Iraq’s temporary new national flag was raised over the country’s parliament for the first time on Tuesday in a symbolic break with the past, but many ordinary Iraqis remain unhappy their old banner has been replaced. Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki presided over the flag-raising outside his offices in central Baghdad’s heavily fortified Green Zone during a ceremony watched by cabinet members and leading dignitaries.

Last month, parliament agreed to adopt the new flag, which is very similar to the old one, in a move long demanded by the country’s Kurdish minority who said the old banner was a reminder of the brutality of Saddam Hussein’s rule. Kurdish officials had refused to fly the old flag which was banned in Iraq’s largely autonomous northern Kurdistan region. “It will fly across Iraq, in Kurdistan, and from north to south,” said government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh. Many would prefer the government focused on improving basic services like electricity and water, which still run only intermittently despite security gains in recent months.

Website Administrator.

National Unity and Islamic Solidarity. A Call for the Muslim Ummah.

The current solar year as the year of National Unity and Islamic Solidarity by the Leader of Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei,
(ISIJ Sodan news Monday the 4th Feb 2008).
Majlis Speaker Gholam-Ali Haddad-Adel said in Khartoum that inspired by Iran’s Islamic Revolution, the Sudanese nation managed to gain victory and form in Africa an independent state with an Islamic identity.

Haddad-Adel told a group of Sudanese scientists, elites and academics that Iranian people attach special significance to Sudanese nation due to their lofty status in the world of Islam and their solidarity with Iran’s Islamic Revolution and its late leader Imam Khomeini. He said the late Imam Khomeini and triumph of Islamic Revolution has left significant impact on the world of Islam.

He added that nationalization of oil industry and opposition to the capitulation system in Iran concurrent with Sudanese people’s struggle against colonialism is a sign of solidarity among the two nations. The Iranian top parliamentarian said Muslim thinkers and leaders have the duty to teach their nation to have a critical approach towards western culture and civilization, which tries to dominate the world everyday with a new deceitful feature and image. “Fortunately, the more certain western powers exert pressure on other countries for imposing their culture, the more awakened become the nations, who have independent cultures,” he said. Pointing to the Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, who called the current solar year as the year of National Unity and Islamic Solidarity, Haddad-Adel said one of the reasons for the call had been forging unity and solidarity among Muslim ummah and followers of prophet Mohammad’s (PBUH) infallible household.

He said unity and integration in the world of Islam would ensure victory against the world hegemonic system and tyrants. Elsewhere in his address, Haddad-Adel pointed to recent Gaza events and said any Muslim has the duty to stand crimes and brutality of the Zionist regime of Israel and defend the oppressed Palestinian nation. “The big Satan and hegemonic powers are in a cowardly way trying today to prevent the criminal Zionism not to be the target of Muslim world’s hatred and protest and they are making efforts to sow differences in Muslim Ummah. They provide wrong news and analyses in a bid to keep the Zionist regime immune of Muslims’ protest and opposition,” he added.

He went on to say that negative allegations and publicity are raised against Iran due to its peaceful nuclear activities. “Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution and all senior officials of Iran have times and again announced explicitly that Iran wants nuclear energy only for peaceful purposes and do not intend to produce nuclear arms,” he added. Despite the IAEA inspectors’ reports that they had observed and reported no diversion in Iran’s nuclear activities towards military purposes, there are efforts to show that Iran has jeopardized global peace through its nuclear activities, he added. Elsewhere in his address, Haddad-Adel said relations with the world of Islam, with Sudan in particular, is of high significance for Iran’s foreign policy.

“In our opinion, there are necessary grounds for consolidation of ties. Undoubtedly, remarkable measures of the two countries in the past will prepare the ground for further expansion of the political, economic and cultural ties and will encourage the two great Iranian and Sudanese nations to have unbreakable bonds,” he added. The Iranian official said presence of Iran and Sudan in two strategic points of Middle East and northeast Africa double the importance of continued consultations and cooperation in all levels in areas of mutual interest so as to repel many challenges facing the two nations, he added. He then said Iran, which is a terrorism victim, wants a clear definition of the phenomenon and finding its root causes and launching stern campaign against it.

He added that removal of discrimination and injustice in the world, non-resort to force and violence, avoiding interference in other countries’ internal affairs and abandoning double-standards in dealing with the regional and international issues are the keys to drastic elimination of terrorism.

Website Administrator.

Wolrd should know the dangerous plan of New American Century.

Why Bush & Blair proved the war Criminals?

Time’s March 31 road to war story and other disclosed evidences of New American Century with 40 open lies of Bush Blair and their top administration.

Washington Web: Throughout the years leading up to war, the White House publicly maintained that the U.S. took weapons inspections seriously, they lied again and again that diplomacy would get its chance, that Saddam had the opportunity to prevent a U.S invasion. It has been noted that how the Bush Administration has followed the road map of the idea of Rumsfeld’s deputy Paul Wolfowitz, in relation to New American Century and a draft document known as Defense Planning Guidance. The most pungent and concise evidence to the contrary comes from the president’s own mouth.

According to Time’s March 31 road to war story, Bush popped in on national security adviser Condi Rice one day in March 2002, interrupting a meeting on UN sanctions against Iraq. Getting a whiff of the subject matter, Paul Wolfowitz, peremptorily waved his hand and told her, “Fuck Saddam. We’re taking him out.” Clare Short, Tony Blair’s former secretary for international development, recently lent further credence to the anecdote. She told the London Guardian that Bush and Blair made a secret pact a few months afterward, in the summer of 2002, to invade Iraq in either February or March of this year. Last fall CBS News obtained meeting notes:

“Taken by a Rumsfeld aide at 2:40 on the afternoon of September 11, 2001. The notes indicate that Rumsfeld wanted the “best info fast. Judge whether good enough hit S.H. [Saddam Hussein] at same time. Not only UBL [Usama bin Laden]…. Go massive. Sweep it all up.”

Rumsfeld’s deputy Paul Wolfowitz, the Bushmen’s leading intellectual light, has long been rabid on the subject of Iraq. He reportedly told Vanity Fair writer Sam Tanenhaus off the record that he believes Saddam was connected not only to bin Laden and 9/11, but the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. The Bush administration’s foreign policy plan was not based on September 11, or terrorism; those events only brought to the forefront a radical plan for U.S. control of the post-Cold War world that had been taking shape since the closing days of the first Bush presidency.

Back then a small claque of planners, led by Wolfowitz, generated a draft document known as Defense Planning Guidance, which envisioned a U.S. that took advantage of its lone superpower status to consolidate American control of the world both militarily and economically, to the point where no other nation could ever reasonably hope to challenge the U.S. Toward that end it envisioned what we now call “preemptive” wars waged to reset the geopolitical table. After a copy of DPG (Defense Planning Guidance) as, was leaked to the New York Times, subsequent drafts were rendered a little less frank, but the basic idea never changed. In 1997 Wolfowitz and his true believers–Richard Perle, William Kristol, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld–formed an organization called Project for the New American Century to carry their cause forward. And though they all flocked around the Bush administration from the start, Wolfowitz never really embraced their plan until the events of September 11 left him casting around for a foreign policy plan.

The 40 open lies disclosed here:

1) The administration was not bent on war with Iraq from 9/11 onward.

2) The invasion of Iraq was based on a reasonable belief that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction that posed a threat to the U.S.

3) a belief supported by available intelligence evidence.

4) Saddam tried to buy uranium in Niger.

5) The aluminum tubes were proof of a nuclear program.

6) The CIA was primarily responsible for any prewar intelligence errors or distortions regarding Iraq.

7) An International Atomic Energy Agency report indicated that Iraq could be as little as six months from making nuclear weapons.

8) Saddam was involved with bin Laden and al Qaeda in the plotting of 9/11.

9) The U.S. wants democracy in Iraq and the Middle East.

10) Ahmed Chalabi and the Iraqi National Congress are a homegrown Iraqi political force, not a U.S.-sponsored front.

11) The United States is waging a war on terror.

12) The U.S. has made progress against world terrorist elements, in particular by crippling al Qaeda.

13) The Bush administration has made Americans safer from terror on U.S. soil.

14) The Bush administration has nothing to hide concerning the events of September 11, 2001, or the intelligence evidence collected prior to that day.

15) U.S. air defenses functioned according to protocols on September 11, 2001.

16) The Bush administration had a plan for restoring essential services and rebuilding Iraq’s infrastructure after the shooting war ended.

17) The U.S. has made a good-faith effort at peacekeeping in Iraq during the postwar period.

18) Despite vocal international opposition, the U.S. was backed by most of the world, as evidenced by the 40-plus-member Coalition of the Willing.19) This war was notable for its protection of civilians.

20) The looting of archaeological and historic sites in Baghdad was unanticipated.

21) Saddam was planning to provide WMD (weapons of Mass destruction) to terrorist groups.

22) Saddam was capable of launching a chemical or biological attack in 45 minutes.

23) The Bush administration is seeking to create a viable Palestinian state.

24) People detained by the U.S. after 9/11 were legitimate terror suspects.

25) The U.S. is obeying the Geneva conventions in its treatment of terror-related suspects, prisoners, and detainees.

26) Shots rang out from the Palestine hotel, directed at U.S. soldiers, just before a U.S. tank fired on the hotel, killing two journalists.

27) U.S. troops “rescued” Private Jessica Lynch from an Iraqi hospital.

28) The populace of Baghdad and of Iraq generally turned out en masse to greet U.S. troops as liberators.

29) A spontaneous crowd of cheering Iraqis showed up in a Baghdad square to celebrate the toppling of Saddam’s statue.

30) No major figure in the Bush administration said that the Iraqi populace would turn out en masse to welcome the U.S. military as liberators.

31) The U.S. achieved its stated objectives in Afghanistan, and vanquished the Taliban.

32) Careful science demonstrates that depleted uranium is no big risk to the population.

33) The looting of Iraqi nuclear facilities presented no big risk to the population.

34) U.S. troops were under attack when they fired upon a crowd of civilian protesters in Mosul.

35) U.S. troops were under attack when they fired upon two separate crowds of civilian protesters in Fallujah.

36) The Iraqis fighting occupation forces consist almost entirely of “Saddam supporters” or “Ba’ath remnants.”

37) The bidding process for Iraq rebuilding contracts displayed no favoritism toward Bush and Cheney’s oil/gas cronies.

38) “We found the (weapons of Mass destruction) WMDs !”

39) “The Iraqi people are now free.”

40) God told Bush to invade Iraq.

The global war on terror is about confronting terrorist groups and the nations that harbor them. The United States does not make deals with terrorists or nations where they find safe lodging. Leave aside the blind eye that the U.S. has always cast toward Israel’s actions in the territories. How are the Bush men doing elsewhere vis-à-vis their announced principles? We can start with their fabrications and manipulations of Iraqi (weapons of Mass destruction) WMD evidence which, in the eyes of weapons inspectors, the UN Security Council, American intelligence analysts, and the world at large, did not pose any imminent threat.

The events of recent months have underscored a couple more gaping violations of W’s cardinal anti terror rules. Pentagon made a cooperation pact with the Mujahideen -e- Khalq (MEK), an anti-Iranian terrorist group based in Iraq. Prior to the 1979 Iranian revolution, American intelligence blamed it for the death of several U.S. nationals in Iran. Most glaring of all is the Bush administration’s remarkable treatment of Saudi Arabia. Consider: Eleven of the nineteen September 11 hijackers were Saudis. The ruling House of Saud has longstanding and well-known ties to al Qaeda and other terrorist outfits, which it funds (read protection money) to keep them from making mischief at home. The May issue of Atlantic Monthly had a nice piece on the House of Saud that recounts these connections.

Yet the Bush government has never said boo regarding the Saudis and international terrorism. In fact, when terror bombers struck Riyadh in May, hitting compounds that housed American workers as well, Colin Powell went out of his way to avoid tarring the House of Saud: “Terrorism strikes everywhere and everyone. It is a threat to the civilized world. We will commit ourselves again to redouble our efforts to work closely with our Saudi friends and friends all around the world to go after al Qaeda.” Later it was alleged that the Riyadh bombers purchased some of their ordnance from the Saudi National Guard, but neither Powell nor anyone else saw fit to revise their statements about “our Saudi friends.”

Why do the Bush men give a pass to the Saudi terror hotbed? Because the House of Saud controls a lot of oil, and they are still (however tenuously) on our side. And that, not terrorism, is what matters most in Bush’s foreign policy calculus. While the bomb craters in Riyadh were still smoking, Bush held a meeting with Philippine president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. Speaking publicly afterward, he outlined a deal for U.S. military aid to the Philippines in exchange for greater “cooperation” in getting American hands round the throats of Filipino terrorists. He mentioned in particular the U.S.’s longtime nemesis Abu Sayyaf–and he also singled out the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, a small faction based on Mindanao, the southernmost big island in the Philippine chain. Of course it’s by purest coincidence that Mindanao is the location of Asia’s richest oil reserves. Not long after the September 11 attacks, one conservative high priest Norman Podhoretz wrote: “One hears that Bush, who entered the White House without a clear sense of what he wanted to do there, now feels there was a purpose behind his election all along; as a born-again Christian, it is said, he believes he was chosen by God to eradicate the evil of terrorism from the world.”

The Palestinian prime minister, Mahmoud Abbas, told the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz that Bush made the following pronouncement during a recent meeting between the two saying:

“God told me to strike at al Qaeda and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East.”

There is no doubt left behind that Bush Administration has followed the most dangerous ways to get hold of advantage of its lone superpower status to consolidate American control of the world both militarily and economically, to the point where no other nation could ever reasonably hope to challenge the U.S. Tony Blair has foolishly supported in these criminal activities equally. Even on the cost of millions and millions deaths and casualties of the human beings and the terrible consequences of the war on this globe. The Criminals Blair and Bush with their top administration should now be arrested immediately on the charges of War Crimes / Genocide. Which are evidently proved in their own country disclosures. Their trial must be taken under the terrorism act and the International Anti Terrorist Speedy Courts should start on priority as soon as possible. This will be the only way to stop terrorism around the Globe.

Website Administration.

The wicked acts of Israel are growing faster and faster under the shelter of Bush administration.

Where is Bush the so called peacemaker? Why the Arab States have no voice against the blasphemers of Islam or on the issue of Gaza Strip?

ISIJ News. The peaceful nations of the world are watching the drama of Bush supporting the wicked and terrorist acts of Israel from long long time. In the same way all the western based International Human Rights Organizations are found in double standard in relation to Palestine’s humanitarian issues. The wicked acts of Israel are growing faster and faster under the shelter of Bush administration. Whereas, most of the Arabic States are also found welcoming to the enemies of peace and playing in the hands of wicked ones foolishly. Only Iran is fighting again and again against the such wicked thoughts and focusing to develop the real peace in the world.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hussein on Monday criticized the international organizations for keeping silent on the crimes being perpetrated by Israel against the defenseless Palestinians living in Gaza Strip. He said that the international institutions are expected to safeguard the international law and values as well as human rights. Hussein said that human rights organizations usually focus on minor issues about human rights, but, they overlook the current humanitarian crisis in Gaza Strip. “Currently, residential areas in Gaza have come under Israeli indiscriminate bombardments and scores of Palestinian youth, children and women have been killed in Israeli invasion of Gaza since last week (January 16).

It is outcome of the US-sponsored peace talks in Annapolis, Maryland, and the unconditional support for the occupation regime of Israel,” Hussein said. He condemned blasphemous statement of Austrian Freedom Party leader against Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and cautioned the political parties against desecrating the Islamic sanctities. Hussein said that Austrian Chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer, President Heinz Fischer and Foreign Minister Ursula Plassnik and Christian leaders have also condemned the blasphemy. He said that measures should be adopted by the governments of the European countries to take legal action against those involved in blasphemy against Islam.

Asked about an article published in The New York Times about setting up a committee by Iran and the United States on military cooperation between the two countries, he said that the article has been written by an American journalist and he was not a US official. “Iran and the US do not have diplomatic relations to set up such a committee. The two states should honor the international conventions about movement of naval forces in the international waters and there is no need for establishment of such a committee,” Hussein added. Responding to a question about the emergency meeting of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to study the plight of Palestinians living in Gaza Strip, he said that Iran expects such a meeting to be held immediately.

On statement of a Dutch member of parliament saying that he produced a video clip against Islam, he said that the Iranian ambassador to the Netherlands has held meeting with the Dutch officials and learned that the Dutch officials have made objection to screening of the clip. “Iran sought legal provisions to take legal action against producer of the video clip if (was) screened in that country,” Hussein said.

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H.E. Sayyed Nasrallah: Honored to Be Enemies of Bush.

Bush is called Great Sheytan.

Source: Al-Manar TV, 14 -1- 2008 Hizbullah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah said that it was an honor for Hizbullah to be considered by US President George W Bush as enemy. Sayyed Nasrallah was speaking during the 5th evening of Ashoura commemoration. “I won’t hide it. I felt honored when Bush spoke about Hizbullah and resistance movements because when the Pharaoh and the Great Satan accuse us and consider us enemies .…… it is an honor for us,” his eminence said. His comments followed remarks critical of Iran and Hizbullah made by Bush during his visit to the United Arab Emirates.

Bush said from Abu Dhabi that “Iran is today the world’s leading state sponsor of terror. It undermines Lebanese hopes for peace by arming and aiding the terrorist group Hizbullah.” The Hizbullah Chief said that since Bush could not say anything about Iran’s nuclear program, the U.S. president accused Tehran of supporting “terrorism” in Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan. “Wherever there is resistance, Iran is accused of supporting resistance movements, and these movements, in Bush’s point of view are terrorists,” Sayyed Nasrallah said.

He accused Bush of supporting “the nation of terrorism, killing and wars,” a reference to “Israel”. “When a country like Iran or Syria support resistance movements that are defending their children, women, land, homes and holy places against the strongest country in the region, then this is a terrorist state that supports terrorism,” he said. “Who is trying to stand in the way of forming a national unity government in Lebanon? Is it Iran, Syria or Bush and his tools in Lebanon? I need to fair to some people in the loyalty bloc. I know that some of them, if they were left alone in peace by the US and other foreign powers, they would agree to form a national unity government because they have interests in putting an end to the deadlock. However, the United States is preventing this from happening because Washington considers the formation of a national unity government or holding early elections a blow to the US project, tutelage and interference in the political decision making in Lebanon,” Sayyed Nasrallah added.

His eminence also said that being a tool in the hands of this “Satan” and this project was humiliating. “When Bush visited occupied Palestine he dispatched a representative to meet with the families of the captured “Israeli” soldiers in Palestine and Lebanon. He was only interested in those three soldiers. However those who have families, wives and children…those more than 11 thousand Arab prisoners in “Israeli” jails who are held under harsh circumstances…they are of no value to Bush,” Sayyed Nasrallah said.

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